imageRUNNER ADVANCE Desktop provides three main functions: document management, device collaboration, and device monitoring. Users can store documents in a library, access files on the Advance Box, share fax address books with other imageRUNNER ADVANCE Desktop users, and see at a glance which devices in their fleet are operational. Document Binder, a feature of imageRUNNER ADVANCE Desktop, gives users the ability to combine documents from multiple file formats, preview and set the print settings, and make edits with the Object Layout Editor. With imageRUNNER ADVANCE Desktop, end users have the tools necessary to better manage documents and interact with imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems.
imageRUNNER ADVANCE Desktop comes with the Quick Printing Tool. The Quick Printing Tool sits on the user's PC desktop and displays an icon. When the PC user drags a document over the Quick Print Tool it converts to a "quick menu" offering up to six shortcuts to frequently used functions such as "Print," "Print Settings", "Print Settings Template", "Fax," "Convert to PDF" and "Convert to PDF Detailed Settings (OCR)". Once the document is dropped onto the selected function of the quick menu it is opened in Desktop Editor, sent directly to a printer or fax or sent to a predetermined folder location of the user's choice.